
 Google Classroom

Below is the code to enter into my google classroom. This classroom is an example of a Kindergarten math class. Within the classroom, I have created assignments and activities practicing addition, including, YouTube videos, online games, worksheets, assessment, and discussion boards. Depending on the grade level I teach and school policies, I may or may not use Google Classroom in my classroom. Either way I have experience building Google Classroom and will be ready to do it again. 


Google Survey

Above is a screenshot of my very first Google Survey I have ever created. This survey would be sent to the caregivers of students in my classroom and they are to fill out vital information I should know about them and the student. Having access to the internet, how the student learns best, and how the student feels about school, are some of the questions being asked in the survey. I plan on using Google Surveys in the classroom because it is easy to use and receive.

Google Slides

Above is a picture of my Google slides presentation I created to teach addition. I included a YouTube videos well as included Pear Deck to make the power point more interactive for the kids. Google slides and Pear deck is not my favorite way to teach math and will need more practice using them together before using it in my classroom.


Here above is a screenshot of my very first screencastify presentation. This presentation is very briefly going over how to add. I spent most of my presentation getting used to how sceencastify works, I'm not sure if I'll end up using it in the classroom because I can only make 5 minute videos and sometimes not a lot can be done in 5 minutes.

Google Sheets

Here above is a screenshot of my very first rubric made on Google Sheets. The rubric is grading a writing assignment about practicing letters. Google sheets was easier to use than Excel, so I plan to use it more in the future. Using Google Sheets, is a great way to stay organized. 

Google Sites

Here above is a screenshot of a my very first website on google sites. The website introduces me and the class, the link to my class' google classroom, link to my caregiver questionnaire, and links to a couple resources. I'm not entirely sure if I'd use google sites in my future classroom. 

Project-based Learning Activity #1

Here above is a screenshot of my first attempt at creating a Project-based activity on a Google Doc. You see here what is essentially my lesson plan for the activity. Grade, content area, topic, standards, objectives, title, purpose, description, and resources are listed. I definitely liked the set up of this and I plan on using it again.


Project-based Learning Activity #2

Here above is a screenshot of my first attempt at creating a Project-based activity focusing on digital citizenship on a Google Doc. You see here what is essentially my lesson plan for the activity. Grade, content area, topic, standards, objectives, title, purpose, description, and resources are listed. I definitely liked the set up of this and I plan on using it again.

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